Beaker API

Beaker is Formula's API that helps with the creation of multi-row forms using lists of data (e.g. contact or product list).

Beaker is still in active development - as such there may still be API changes

Under-the-hood it uses Formula to create a form from a row of data provided, and works well with Svelte's {#each} blocks to render the form component.

When creating a group it's possible to set any existing data, and add and remove rows in the store using helper methods, and using the store to render the component HTML.


Like formula you import the beaker function. This function returns an object that is the entire group functionality.

import { beaker } from 'svelte-formula';
const myGroup = beaker();

To bind the group to a component pass <myGroup>.group to use, then inside the group provide an {#each} block that will contain the template for your group form.

Stores are available via <myGroup>.stores object - the names are the same as the Formula Stores

  • the main difference is that the data is an Array of objects instead of a single object.

Adding and Removing items#

Adding and removing items to the store is easy - there is a data api for handling data.

You can initialise a group with <myGroup>.init(items) passing an array of items for your form group to be initialised with.

To add another item call <myGroup>.add(item) with your item to add. To remove an item call <myGroup>.delete(index) with the numerical index of the array item to remove.

Note about radio groups#

Due to the way HTML Radio Groups work it is required to have unique names as well as ID properties in your HTML. To support this you can provide a data-formula-name attribute on any radio groups - this will match the group back to the correct data.


import { get } from 'svelte/store';
import { beaker, formula } from 'svelte-formula';
const { form, formValues, updateForm } = formula();
// This creates a contact group - you can now bind `` to the subgroup
const customers = beaker();
const customersValues = customers.formValues;
export let productData = {
productName: '',
// Set the store with any existing data
export let contactData = [{
firstName: '',
lastName: '',
email: '',
subscriptionLevel: '',
signups: [],
// Add a row to the store
function addCustomer() {
firstName: '',
lastName: '',
email: '',
subscriptionLevel: '',
signups: [],
// Remove a row from the store
function deleteCustomer(index) {
function submit() {
const mainForm = get(formValues);
const contacts = get(customersValues);
//Do something with the data here
console.log(mainForm, contacts);
<form use:form on:submit|preventDefault={submit}>
<label for='productName'>ProductName</label>
<input type='text' id='productName' name='productName' required bind:value={productData.productName} />
<button type='submit'>Submit Form</button>
<button on:click|preventDefault={addCustomer}>Add Customer</button>
<th>Subscription Level</th>
{#each $customersValues as row, i}
<label for='firstName-{i}'>First Name</label>
<input type='text' id='firstName-{i}' name='firstName' required />
<label for='lastName-{i}'>Last Name</label>
<input type='text' id='lastName-{i}' name='lastName' required />
<label for='email-{i}'>Email Name</label>
<input type='email' id='email-{i}' name='email' required />
<!-- In multi-group forms, radio groups require a unique name in the DOM - her you can provide 'data-formula-name' to specify the data key -->
<label for='subscriptionLevel-{i}-1'>None
<input type='radio' id='subscriptionLevel-{i}-1'
data-formula-name='subscriptionLevel' value='none' />
<label for='subscriptionLevel-{i}-1'>Partial
<input type='radio' id='subscriptionLevel-{i}-2'
data-formula-name='subscriptionLevel' value='partial' />
<label for='subscriptionLevel-{i}-1'>Full
<input type='radio' id='subscriptionLevel-{i}-3'
data-formula-name='subscriptionLevel' value='full' />
<label for='signups-{i}-1'>Daily <input type='checkbox' id='signups-{i}-1' name='signups' value='daily' /></label>
<label for='signups-{i}-2'>Weekly
<input type='checkbox' id='signups-{i}-2' name='signups' value='weekly' />
<label for='signups-{i}-3'>News
<input type='checkbox' id='signups-{i}-3' name='signups' value='news' />
<label for='signups-{i}-4'>Product
<input type='checkbox' id='signups-{i}-4' name='signups' value='product' />
<button on:click|preventDefault={() => deleteCustomer(i)}>X</button>